Author Archives: admin2

The Annual Conference – IC8

Dear NCP members,

The main reason of this newsletter is to inform you on the coming venue of the annual conference ’€œIntellectual Capital for Nations, Regions and Cities’€- in short: IC 8, which, like every year, will take place in the premises of the World Bank Institute in Paris, 66 Avenue d’€™Iéna, 16th Arrondissement (16th Paris District, postal code 75116 PARIS).

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Thanking you for your ongoing interest, support and engagement with the New Club of Paris

Dear esteemed Member of the NCP,

With this mail we send you all the very best wishes from our President, the Board and myself, thanking you for your ongoing interest, support and engagement with the New Club of Paris. In addition, we want to send you our warmest wishes for the coming days and for what we hope will be a very promising year in 2012.

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