Promoting the results of the Austrian Round Table of the NCP on facebook

(facebook texts in German only)

NCP’€™s General Secretary Günter Koch together with the Austrian Ex-Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek were invited to Salzburg, organized by the Salzburg research Society, in order to discuss publicly the outcome of the Austrian Round Table project of The NCP. The event, although ’€œcompeting’€ in attraction against a TV program on a famous soccer game, drew some attention and series of press comments, which are compiled in this facebook report:

Further events of similar nature are planned in Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck. The purpose is to create public awareness on topics such as knowledge society, knowledge politics and policies, knowledge economy / economics as well as knowledge management.

One Round Table project in the pipeline in autumn 2011 in Serbia will build on the Austrian project. Serbia together with Slovakia has taken the charge of managing European Union’€™s strategic agenda in science and research for the so called ’€œDanube Area’€ , which is expected also to become profiled as a ’€œknowledge region’€.

On high level of Austrian politics, also the President of the National Parliament, Mag.a. Barbara Prammer, stated publicly that she thinks, that The New Club of Paris is providing an important momentum and raises consideration on her part, to motivate the Parliament to get more engaged in questions addressing the development of the knowledge society.

(See also the Round Table Publication by Holzhausen Publisher, Vienna: