IC7: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition

Knowledge Economy and Human Progress.
Questions and Prospects: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition
Co-organised by: The European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, the University Paris-Sud And The World Bank
Date: May 26 & 27, 2011, World Bank Paris Office, 66, Avenue d’€™Iéna 75016 Paris, France

The central theme of the Seventh Edition of the World IC Conference is the connection between Knowledge Economy and Human Progress.

There has been since immemorial times a widespread concern to develop and use knowledge, creativity and innovation for the progress of mankind in all forms, but it has become urgent to revisit seriously this issue.

The world community is facing a number of critical situations: the global financial and economic crisis is not over; major societal issues remain to be solved, ranging from mounting inequalities to unachieved Millennium Development Goals; and environmental and natural resource saturations are putting clear limits to the current economic growth profile.

The IC7 conference will try to contribute ’€“ modestly ’€“ to this debate and to the search for new paths in the economic and social development process. We will begin by taking stock of recent initiatives and new perspectives on the measurement and development of intellectual capital, and, then, we will focus gradually on the issue of human progress, its measurement, and the ways and means to put knowledge and innovation efforts in service of it.

As in former IC conferences, these questions will be approached at different levels: countries and world regions, provinces and cities, firms and networks.

As usual, also, the conference will alternate plenary sessions, with keynote speeches, and parallel workshops, allowing more detailed discussions on various topics of interest to the different IC communities.

A final session, with a video connection with Washington, will draw and discuss the main conclusions of the conference.

Download the PDF to get the entire summary of the program (IC7-120411.pdf)

Contact for Scientific Coordination: Ahmed Bounfour, Professor, University Paris ’€“Sud : ahmed.bounfour@u-psud.fr

Registration: https://rech.jm.u-psud.fr/colloque/colloque.php?evt=26