Dear Members or Affiliates of The New Club of Paris,
This newsletter is intended to get you updated on the recent happenings before we start to leave for holidays. Continue reading
Dear Members or Affiliates of The New Club of Paris,
This newsletter is intended to get you updated on the recent happenings before we start to leave for holidays. Continue reading
Text authored by PERDANA LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION, Malaysia, on Wednesday, June 16, 2010
What do knowledge economy experts think about Malaysia’s vision to become a knowledge-driven economy by the year 2020? Continue reading
The Sixth edition of ’World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities’, Co-organized by The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud and The World Bank Institute was held on June 1st and 2nd, 2010 at World Bank Paris Office, 66, Avenue d’Iéna 75016 Paris, France. Continue reading
The Sixth edition of ‘World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities’, Co-organized by The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud and The World Bank Institute will be held on June 1st and 2nd, 2010 at World Bank Paris Office, 66, Avenue d’Iéna 75016 Paris, France.
Continue reading
The New Club of Paris interviews Professor Leif Edvinsson about the club’s main objectives, current position, its policy agenda and its Key plans. In the end Prof. Leif briefs about his book ‘Corporate Longitude’ and the insights provided in the bok for leaders interested in Intellectual Capital (IC). Continue reading
The report is the result of collective effort of the OISPG (Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group) ’ members, national contributors and experts in area of Open Service Innovation. Their time and eff ort are gratefully acknowledged. Continue reading
Follow the link to view the New Club of Paris pictures from Liechtenstein University meeting. Continue reading
Both economic theory and the experience of other countries tell us that the role of intellectual capital is fundamental to sustainable development. Among the countries that have been successful, you can find other very similar in terms of equipment, natural resources, geopolitical position and close financial condition, which did not receive equally good results – such as Chile and Argentina, Spain, and Italy. Continue reading
This is the announcement and first call for abstracts and papers for The Third Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS 2010) on the theme of ’Knowledge-Based and Sustainable Development of Cities and Societies’ which will be held in Melbourne, Australia between 16 and 19 November 2010. (view announcement (PDF file)) Continue reading
Click here to view the flyer about this new book
Featuring 14 years (1995-2008) panel data for 40 countries with 11 country clusters. Giving insights to various questions like:
1. Which region has the highest national intellectual capital? Continue reading