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NCP Summer Meeting + General Assembly and 17th ICKM, Potsdam, 23-25 June, 2022

The NCP Summer Meeting and the General Assembly took place on the 23rd-25th of June in Potsdam along with the 17th ICKM conference held there. The NCP community had a great opportunity to meet face-to-face again after more than 3 years of the Pandemic period.

The remote initiatives and workshops held during the Pandemic were discussed in the meeting acknowledging that the NCP Working groups were successfully moving forward in their activities during that period.

The survey results regarding the NCP’s vision were discussed. The NCP Board was renewed. Three new members were invited to join the Club as full members.

The members were engaged in participating and presenting their research at the ICKM. Lots of live discussions and talks with the international community on the latest issues of the knowledge economy took place.

Two round table discussions with the Potsdam city administration and the Potsdam community on how to transform the City from a Science City to a City of Knowledge in order to foster its development were initiated by the NCP. An excellent city tour around Potsdam was organized.

And last, but not least, the NCP community had a lot of enjoyable moments together after three years of not meeting in person. The photos below capture just some of them.






Calls for papers on Digital Strategy and Digital Leadership

Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice on Rethinking Leadership in the Digital Age

(submission deadline: 1 October 2022):


Journal of Digital Economy on Digital Strategy, Artificial Intelligence and the Platform Economy

(submission deadline: 30 November 2022):

NCP Board member – Lina Uziene

Lina Uziene is an associate professor at the School of Economics and Business, the Kaunas University of Technology, where she implements research and consulting projects and delivers courses in Intellectual Capital Management, Strategic Management, Digital Organization Management, Business Valuation & Investor Relations Management, and others. Since 2005 she holds a Ph.D. degree in Management and Business Administration. Since 2009 she works as an associate professor at the University. She has been acting as a director of Management Study Programs at the university in the period of 2016-2019. She is one of the coordinators of the Open Innovation Research Cluster at the University, responsible for the research stream on open innovation measurement and metrics. Her research activities focus on national policy-making based on the effective management of intellectual resources and the development of innovation-oriented infrastructures. Societal innovation and digital transformation are the key issues of her recent scientific research.

Lina Uziene is a member of different scientific committees and bodies responsible for the development of methodologies and transfer of knowledge from educational systems to business practice, such as the Baltic Management Development Association, the International Society for Professional Innovation Management, the International Association of Knowledge Management, KM4Dev, as well as the board member at the New Club of Paris.

She acts as a national and international expert on knowledge and intellectual capital management. Lina is an author of more than 40 academic publications, books, and chapters, a consultant, a research project manager, and a speaker to promote the knowledge economy and intellectual capital development via educational forums and platforms.

Professional expertise: Associate Professor in Intellectual Capital Management, Knowledge Management, Corporate Digital Transformation, Strategic Management, Business Valuation & Investor Relationship Management, etc., Director of Management Study Programs, Researcher, Project Manager, and Business Consultant.

Institution: Kaunas University of Technology.

NCP Summer Meeting + General Assembly and 17th ICKM, Potsdam, 23-25 June, 2022

The NCP General Assembly will take place on June 24th, 13h30 – 15h00 (CEST) and can be joined either onsite or online. Those willing to join the zoom session please find the link in the 6th NCP Newsletter (distributed on June 6th).

The onsite program in Potsdam:

23.6.2022 (Fachhochschule Potsdam – University of Applied Sciences, Kiepenheuerallee 5, D-14469 Potsdam, Building D)
Meeting and greeting at ICKM coffee breaks, lunch breaks, and dinner

24.6.2022 (Fachhochschule Potsdam – University of Applied Sciences, Kiepenheuerallee 5, D-14469 Potsdam, Building D, Room D/228)
10h15 – 11h45 NCP Workshop about the Future of NCP
13h30 – 15h00 NCP General Assembly
15h30 – 17h30 NCP Workshop about the Ongoing Projects including the Barcelona Fall meeting
18h00 NCP Dinner (location will be announced on-site)

25.6.2022 Wissenschaftsetage Potsdam, Am Kanal 47, D-14469 Potsdam
13h30 – 15h00 Special NCP Event: Potsdam: From Science City to City of Knowledge Transfer? A discussion on knowledge/science city development
15h15 – 17h15 Potsdam City Tour

In parallel, we kindly invite you to take part in the 17th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) on “Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Risks: From individual to a global scale”. The NCP members Susanne Durst, Ortwin Renn and Dave Snowden will present their research and insights at the conference. More information on joining the ICKM is available at: and in the 6th NCP Newsletter.

More information on accommodation and traveling is available here:

Positive Cartography’s Mapathon 21 on 23 – 25 September 2021

How can we map desired futures together?

Positive Cartography’s Mapathon 21 is launching in less than 4 weeks.

Dates: 23 – 24 – 25 September 2021 

 A three-day event that invites people and groups from different countries and backgrounds to organize Positive Cartography sessions around the question:

What does the world look like in 2025, beyond Covid-19?

This Mapathon invites you to think in a positive way about the world you would like to live in – in 2025, beyond Covid-19 – and about the steps needed to get there.

Let’s over-voice together the negative images of the future so prevalent in the media. So many people are disheartened by the negative prognosis of many recent attempts to anticipate the future. Dark and frightening predictions are a wake-up call, but they can also scare people into apathy. Positive images focus the imagination, and can move us to action. Positive maps help us navigate the future.

Get in touch for more information and join Mapathon 21.

Find all event information at:

ICM For Future Knowledge Navigation – SDG 17 And COVID-19: Supreme vs. Subprime Knowledge

Knowledge Navigation – SDG 17 And COVID-19: Supreme vs. Subprime Knowledge

by Prof. Leif Edvinsson / Dr. Astrid Szogs / Günther M. Szogs (New Club of Paris) ICM For Future

November 2020

In the past decades many of us were engaged in a great variety of Intellectual Capital Management endeavours (ICM used as broader concept than „Wissensmanagement“): NCP, LearnTec, KnowTec, Knowledge Manager of The Year Award, Future Center Alliance with Noburo Konno pioneering Ecosyx, MoWiN Innovationlab https:// and SCALE UP, MIT-U_Lab and HBdV, Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation, IMO, AWV, BIGA, SI-Drive, the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Award, KulturCampus Frankfurt and many other local and global IC related initiatives. This still small selection of activities with excellent involvement of remarkable personalities of all walks of life symbolise two extremes in learning and knowing if viewed in the light or rather the darkness of the pandemic, the climate crisis, the unbelievable scale of ignorance, the incoherences in mobility-infrastructures, the often stone-age use of digitalisation in schools: Astonishing Excellence and Apocalyptic Catastrophe. Lets question this using UNESCO`s famous report on Education for the 21. Century: „Learning : The Treasure Within“ with its 4 pillars of learning to „know, do, living together, be“. Applying them to the SDGs in UN 75th year of existence might be one orientation for future journeys of ICM.

… continue reading … download full article

Globalization and the Covid-19 crisis: The “revenge” of production, a chance for Europe

Globalization and the Covid-19 crisis:
The “revenge” of production, a chance for Europe

Ahmed Bounfour,
European Chair on Intangibles, Université Paris-Saclay
Chairman, The New Club of Paris

Download article

The Covid-19 crisis is unprecedented: it is first of all health and human, by the number of deaths it causes and the anxiety it generates, with confinement, to varying degrees, of almost 4 billion citizens of this planet, now cognitively and affectively planetarized. It is also productive, in the sense of stopping whole swathes of economic and social activity, and in particular those of globally organized productions. Let us pause for a moment on these.

During the 1980s, the production of value was redesigned as a process of interconnection between links in a globalized chain, in which each of the segments was defined, with a primary purpose: optimizing flows and costs associated. This structuring principle of activities has been generalized, so to speak, to all productive activities, and in particular to those that can be broken down into autonomous production segments. This process has enabled globalized companies to geographically distribute value segments among countries, essentially reserving the physical production segment in the strict sense to Asian countries. But in this process of division of tasks, the productive act stricto sensu is poorly remunerated – less than 4 euros for the assembly of a smartphone, the main part of what a consumer pays (70 to 75%), going to upstream (R&D, design) and downstream (distribution) phases of the value chain. But contrary to the principle of the multiplication of sources of supply, which prevailed until the early 1980s, the optimizing logic has been pushed here to the extreme, even for low-paying links.

However with the Covid-19 crisis, the extreme fragility of the interstices between links, and in particular of the less profitable of them, appeared openely, since it is located in one country, and moreover the most “productive” of them, being directly affected by the pandemic. The productive act is brutally exposed in its original ontological fragility. From this point of view, there is an interesting reversal of the situation, by the “revolt”, in a way unconscious, of the productive segments and in particular those of the poorly remunerated links. These segments, unable to “deliver”, indicate to the globalized chain both their weakness, but also their strength. They publicly demonstrate their revenge by improvising. Beyond these segments, the production function reminds visible or invisible managers of the chain of its existence and its new requirements for consideration.

From this point of view, the Covid-19 is an objective ally of the minority productive act, in that it allows it to reveal its power; act which until now was little considered in the globalizing decisions, because “not strategic”. Now we suddenly discover that producing masks, chloroquine, is as strategic as designing or distributing them. It’s even vital, in the first sense of the word. But, in the dominant incentive system, managers are not judged on meeting the vital needs of the citizens of this planet, they are judged on their mastery of optimizing global flows. Here we find, with thirty years of delay, the impact, in many disastrous respects on the companies themselves and their know-how, of the ideology of outsourcing developed during the 1990s, which had promoted often without technically justified arguments, the irreversible predominance of the market over the hierarchy.

How to respond to this asserted distrust of the productive act? For Europe, this crisis is an opportunity. Three scenarios can be envisaged.

A scenario of continuation of the existing-Business as Usual, with a variant however: Europe seeks to reduce its systemic productive risks, by relocating certain segments of its production, but also by multiplying its double sources. Here the Maghreb, and more generally Africa, because of their natural proximity, can play a role.

A scenario of territorialized geopolitical primacy. Here Europe is rediscovering its project and its community vocation – a community of destiny redefines its production values, and considers these as closely linked to the needs of its population. Resilience, ecology and variety considerations play a key role here. European territories are regaining all their preeminence. This scenario takes up some of the elements of the previous sourcing (Mediterranean), by organizing it around these so-called values.

A scenario of globalization, oriented towards common goods. In this scenario, biodiversity, Health, education, the resilience of local productive systems, traditional knowledge, the entire sections of intellectual property (the vaccines to come), in short everything that makes humanity, are considered as common goods and valued as such. The effectiveness of such a scenario presupposes a radical change in the incentive systems and in particular those applying to the decision-makers in charge of organizing the economic activities of the world. Obviously, there is a long way to reach this goal, but this goal is not yet definitively unattainable, given the looming urgency.

For us, as scholars, in economics and management, there is also an urgent need to review our lessons and our research programs, as soon as the question of wealth creation, value and related performance is raised.

Winter meeting 2020

April 23 & 24, 2020 BARCELONA


The New Club of Paris is an agenda developer for the knowledge economy. The club’s aim is to support nations, regions, cities, communities, and organizations in their transformation into the knowledge society. The club brings together intellectual entrepreneurs, scientists, opinion leaders and highlevel politicians in the knowledge society and knowledge economy to engage in research, dialogue and concrete activities. The Club prominently participates in knowledge raising events around the world, runs an annual conference in Paris, coordinates and contributes to worldwide research efforts on the knowledge economy, and publishes a variety of papers and books. The Club also organizes a Winter Meeting with the specific purpose of putting into practice its specific aim in a particular country or region. For the second time, we have the opportunity of hosting in Col-legi d’Economistes de Catalunya the Winter Meeting. Those interested in the discussion on “Creating Sustainable Wealth in a Global Knowledge Economy” are invited to participate in the open session of the event.

The New Club of Paris Winter Meeting 2020 - Agenda and programme