The First Workshop: Paris, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, 26 September 2011
The Main Discussed Issues
The Franco-German Round Table on intangibles and knowledge assets is a research and policy initiative by two major universities in the two countries (as well in Europe) ’The University Paris-Sud and Heidelberg University’ who decided to join their recent and on-going research efforts, in order to:
– Come up with conceptual instruments;
– Provide a stimulating platform for research and action for progress among different stakeholders in France and Germany;
– Contribute, more generally, to the large dialogue in Europe and more globally, on the role of intangibles in value creation.
The Round table will bring together researchers, policy makers, Executives and Media from the two countries, who are interested in sharing experiences and coordinating efforts towards understanding the dynamics of intangibles and their impact on sustainability in European societies, and beyond.
The project will deal with strategic business issues as well as with meso and macro/societal issues, taking into account the importance of linking these different perspectives. Societal issues such as sustainability will be integrated into the analysis.
Click here to download the entire 41 page PDF that has the full details.