Category Archives: News

Developing Foresight for South Africa’€™s Knowledge Economy

Special Session at the ICKM 2012 organised by the New Club of Paris
6 September 2012, 14.00 -17.00, Johannesburg, FNB Conference and Training Centre in Grayston Road, Sandton.

The International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from all over the world to discuss and exchange ideas concerning theoretical and practical aspects of knowledge management and economy.

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Promoting the results of the Austrian Round Table of the NCP on facebook

(facebook texts in German only)

NCP’€™s General Secretary Günter Koch together with the Austrian Ex-Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek were invited to Salzburg, organized by the Salzburg research Society, in order to discuss publicly the outcome of the Austrian Round Table project of The NCP. The event, although ’€œcompeting’€ in attraction against a TV program on a famous soccer game, drew some attention and series of press comments, which are compiled in this facebook report: Continue reading

IC7: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition

Knowledge Economy and Human Progress.
Questions and Prospects: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition
Co-organised by: The European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, the University Paris-Sud And The World Bank
Date: May 26 & 27, 2011, World Bank Paris Office, 66, Avenue d’€™Iéna 75016 Paris, France Continue reading