Professor Dr Ahmed Bounfour (Ed.)
The Final Report of the Kuala Lumpur Round Table
Author Archives: admin2
Cities of Opportunity – Partnership for New York City
Cities of Opportunity 2011 makes its fourth analysis of the trajectory of 26 cities, all capitals of finance, commerce and culture – and through their performance, seeks to open a window on what makes cities function best.
The Franco-German Round Table on Intangibles’ (knowledge assets)
Creation, valuation and dissemination
2012- 2014
The First workshop agenda, Paris, September 26, 2011
MINEFI, Centre de Conférences P. MendÖ¨s France Continue reading
ACSI 2011 in Finland (Aug 24th – 31st)
Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation ACSI represents a new type of an innovation agenda, with Aalto University and the New Club of Paris as engines and actors in charge. Continue reading
Promoting the results of the Austrian Round Table of the NCP on facebook
(facebook texts in German only)
NCP’s General Secretary Günter Koch together with the Austrian Ex-Vice-Chancellor Erhard Busek were invited to Salzburg, organized by the Salzburg research Society, in order to discuss publicly the outcome of the Austrian Round Table project of The NCP. The event, although ’competing’ in attraction against a TV program on a famous soccer game, drew some attention and series of press comments, which are compiled in this facebook report: Continue reading
Turning the European Union into an Innovation Union
13 June 2011
Director General for Research and Innovation, Robert Jan-Smits outlines how Europe can become an innovation union…
New Club of Paris cooperating with the Peter Drucker Society and Forum
Two news from the Peter Drucker Society for taking special notice on:
1. Drucker Forum event taking place in Vienna in early November 2011
2. The ’Peter Drucker Challenge’, which is an essay contest for young managers, entrepreneurs und students until the age of 35.
New Club of Paris members’ most relevant contributions to EU’s latest Service Innovation Yearbook 2011
Members of the New Club of Paris have contributed offering remarkable insights on the future of service economy in the latest EC’s ‘Service Innovation Yearbook’, issued by NCP’s member Bror Salmelin. (Download Service Innovation Yearbook 2010-2011)
IC7: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition
Knowledge Economy and Human Progress.
Questions and Prospects: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities Seventh Edition
Co-organised by: The European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, the University Paris-Sud And The World Bank
Date: May 26 & 27, 2011, World Bank Paris Office, 66, Avenue d’Iéna 75016 Paris, France Continue reading
The European Academy of Science, includes NCP’s idea in their discussion
Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Science, includes NCP’s the Multiversity idea in their discussion.