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NCP Board member – Leif Edvinsson

Leif Edvinsson is a key pioneering contributor to the theory and practice of Intellectual Capital (IC). The World’s First director of IC in 1991. The World’s First Professor of IC at Lund University as well as Polytechnic University. Prototyping in 1996 the Skandia Future Center as Lab for Organisational design. In 1998, awarded by Brain Trust “Brain of the Year” award, in the UK. Listed in Who’s Who in the World. Associate member of The Club of Rome.

Cofounder and Founding Chairman of The New Club of Paris. In 2013 awarded the Thought Leader Award by European Commission, Intel, and Peter Drucker Association. In 2015 appointed Advisory Board to JIN – the Japan Innovation Network. Appointed 2016 to the Advisory Board of Norway Open Innovation Forum. In 2017 Awarded the KM Award, in Geneva at the UN, by

NCP Board member – Stefan Gueldenberg

Stefan Gueldenberg is a Full Professor at EHL and Academic Director at EHL’s Graduate School. Before joining EHL he worked as a Full Professor in International Management and Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University of Liechtenstein, as a Professor and Director of the Department of Human Resources and Organization at WHL (a private University in Germany), and as a Professor for Strategic Management and Management Control at WU Vienna. Stefan Gueldenberg studied Business Mathematics, Philosophy, and English at the University of Ulm, and holds a Ph.D. as well as Habilitation from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU).

Visiting Professorships abroad led him, among others, to Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the National University of Singapore. He is the current Vice President of Practice of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and President of the New Club of Paris, a think tank and agenda-setter for the knowledge economy.

Stefan has more than 25 years of working experience in strategy research, strategy consulting, and as an expert platform founder. He conducts research and teaches courses in strategic management, sustainable leadership, and knowledge management. He is on the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, including EURAM Sparks, the Journal of Knowledge Management, and the Journal of Digital Economy.

During his career Stefan Gueldenberg was honored with the Knowledge Management Award for the further development of Knowledge Research, Knowledge Policy and Knowledge Management, the CEO of the Future Award from Manager Magazin and McKinsey & Company, the Stephan-Koren Award granted for the best doctoral thesis of the year and the included scientific research from the Association of Professors at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and numerous best paper and top publication awards.

Institution: EHL Campus Lausanne.

Publications and more details:

NCP board member – Helena Tenório Veiga de Alemida

Helena Tenorio, Brazilian, Economist, graduated at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with master’s degree in Monetary Economics and specialization in Economic Development at Havard Kennedy School. Executive at Brazilian Development Bank – BNDES for 20 years, for 4 years she was responsible for the department in charge of the Pre-Analysis of financing support (almost 900 per year) and the applied methodology for Credit Assessment (MAE), which is pioneer in the incorporation of intangibles assets and intellectual capital references.

In March 2018, she assumed the Area of C​ommunication and Institutional Relationship of BNDES. In this area she is responsible for the implementation of communication, marketing and institutional relationship strategies. With regard to communication, the Deputy Director coordinates internal and external actions (press, digital media and publishing). As for marketing, she carries out initiatives of sponsorship, publicity, promotion of events and customer service. Regarding the institutional relationship, she aims to establish strategic partnerships and deepen the relationship with control agencies and public sector institutions.

Member of important governmental committees related to R&D National Policies and board member of New Club of Paris, an international organization whose main objective is to create awareness about Knowledge Economy.

Professional expertise: Development Financing, R&D Design Policies, Intangibles Evaluation, Strategic Planning and Relational Capabilities on value creation.

University / academic affiliation: She graduated at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with master’s degree in Monetary Economics and specialization in Economic Development at Harvard Kennedy School.

NCP Board member – Noboru Konno

Noboru Konno describes himself as a knowledge ecologist and an “amphibia” as he belongs to both academic and practice worlds, and design and management fields. His background is in architecture (B.A. in Architecture, Waseda University). Previously he has worked as a planner and marketing director at Hakuhodo, Inc., for global clients, urban projects, etc. Parallel to his business career, he taught design economics at the Graduate School of Engineering of Chiba University and knowledge science at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) as Adjunct Professor. He received Ph.D. (Management Information Science) from Tama Graduate School (2007). He has been a Professor at the Tama Graduate School of Management (MBA) since 2007.

His recent studies and projects include workplace for knowledge creation (concept of “Ba”), Future Center studies, and Purpose Engineering. He also has been a juror of the Good Design Award (The Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization, JIDPO) for 2004-2011 and other design awards. He is a President of Japan Innovation Network (JIN) and Future Center Alliance Japan (FCAJ), both groups of large Japanese enterprises and ministries that have an interest in innovation management and its environment. He has been an advisor for Nikken Sekkei, the Japanese largest architectural practice. His books include Intellectualizing Capability (coauthor with I.Nonaka, 1995, Global Best Business Book Award by Financial Times); An Encouragement of Knowledge-based Management (coauthor, 2000); and Methodology of Knowledge Creation (co-author, 2003, Toyo Keizai), Design Thinking For Business (2010), The Principles of Knowledge Creation Management (co-author 2012), Purpose Engineering (2013).

Professional expertise: As a knowledge ecologist, he has been involved in numerous consulting projects including knowledge strategy projects, scenario projects, change management for design organizations and professional service firms, workplace design for knowledge industries, and development of research labs.

University / academic affiliation: He is a Professor at Tama Graduate School of Management (Tokyo) and a Specially-appointed Professor at the Graduate School of System Design and Management (SDM) of Keio University.


NCP board member – Carol Yeh-Yun Lin

Dr. Carol Yeh-Yun Lin (PhD, the University of Texas at Austin) is Distinguished Professor of Department of Business Administration at National Chengchi University. Dr. Lin published extensively on strategic HRM, SME management, intellectual capital, and corporate social responsibility. In addition to over 50 academic referred journal papers and 90 conference proceedings, Dr. Lin also published 14 books in English with Springer New York. The most recent one is The Impact of Societal and Social Innovation.

Dr. Lin also held several administrative positions, including the Dean of International Cooperation, Director of Creativity Center, Dean of Student Affairs, Director of International Exchange and Education, also the Founding Director of English Taught International MBA program in Taiwan. Before changing her career to academia, Dr. Lin served as Customer Service Manager in Singer Sewing Machine Companies for two years, and Office Manager in K-Mart Taipei Purchasing Office for six years.

Professional expertise: Human resource management, intellectual capital, social innovation, and social responsibility

University / academic affiliation: Dept. of Business Administration, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan


NCP Board member – Takayuki Sumita

Takayuki Sumita is a Secretary-General at the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters, Cabinet Offices since July 2017. In this role, he is responsible for nationwide IP strategy, including national branding and promotion.

He was born in 1962 and graduated from Tokyo University (1985) and Graduate School for Foreign Service, Georgetown University (1993). After joining MITI (currently METI, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 1985, he engaged in various tasks including policy planning and trade negotiation, especially on intellectual property, innovation, IT, and FTA.

As Director of the IP Policy Office in METI, he promoted intellectual assets-based management to encourage companies to correctly recognize and to best utilize their own intangible assets in order to create the utmost value from their business model.

He also served as the chairman of the World Intellectual Capital/Assets Initiative (WICI) from 2009 to 2013, when he heavily contributed to formulating the new business reporting framework of ‘Integrated Reporting’.

Winter meeting 2018 at the University of Catania

Winter meeting of the New Club of Paris 2018
 from 19 – 21 April 2018
at the University of Catania

  • 19 April – NCP internal meeting
  • 20 April – Round table “Building the Future together” open meeting
                      Biblioteche Riunite Civica e Ursino Recupero, Via Biblioteca 13
    > 9:00 – 9:15 – Welcome and opening addresses> 9:15 – 9:30 – Catania: the past and the present. Pierluigi Catalfo; University of Catania and
    The new Club of Paris.
    > 9:30 – 9:45 – Intangibles, institutional capital and growth: a European regional perspective.
    Ahmed Bounfour; Université Paris-Sud and chairman The New Club of Paris.
    > 9:45 – 10:00 – Navigating intellectual capital. Leif Edvinsson; Vice-president New Club of
    > 10:15 -10:30 – Social Innovation and technology for territory development. Marco
    Romano; former President of the Scientific Park of Catania.
    > 10:30 – 10:45 – The role of the University of Catania in social development. Roberta
    Piazza; Vice Rector for “Continuing education and lifelong learning.
    > 10:45 -11:00 – Human Capital and youth unemployment: a cultural perspective. Maurizio
    Caserta; Chief Responsible for the Italian unit of the Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-
    Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship project (CUPESSE).
    > 11:00 – 11:15 – Finance for people and values. Marco Meneguzzo; University of Roma
    Torvergata and Department of Public Administration of the Italian Central government.
    > 11:15 – 11:30 — Social relational and growth the role of Order accountants. Rodolfo
    Cifrodelli; Chief expert of internationalization of the Order of Chartered Accountants
    > 11:30 – 11:45  — Growing future in Sicily. Gaetano Armao; Vice-President of Regional
    government of Sicily and councillor for the economy.
    > 11:45 – 12:00 — Citizen Science. Daniel Wyler; Delegate of the president for strategic
    project, University of Zurich.
    > 12:00 Final discussion & networking: future cooperation and projects.
    > 13:00 Discovering the Biblioteca Civica-Ursino Recupero: multi-dimensional element of
    the cultural heritage of Catania.
  • 21 April – Wine tour (tbd)


Karmen Jelčić , Pirjo Ståhle, Waltraut Ritter, Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Sladjana Cabrilo, Paola Paoloni

Women initiatives flourish – Women Entrepreneurs, Women in Leadeship, Women in Technology Women in ICT…
However, a majority of women in business – SE Europe, rural areas or women entrepreneurs lacking higher education – are still unaware of the role and value of intangibles / intellectual capital for their business and thus miss the opportunity to manage it effectively for improved value creation, competitiveness and sustainable growth.

The NCP women task force group was founded in aim to enhance the visibility of NCP through collaborative actions and projects related to women and IC. We are at the stage of dynamic definition of women contribution to the current EU (and world) challenges.

Each member comes from a different European country, and brings in different perspectives on the position, opportunities and difficulties of women in business enabling unique insights and synergies.

The first event will be “café philo” at the Open Innovation 2.0
Some topics for discussion will be given shortly. Your suggestions welcome.