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Nairobi.  Knowledge.  Week 23-27 September 2019

Nairobi.  Knowledge.  Week
23-27 September 2019

Initiated by NCP-member Dr. Andreas Brandner, Nairobi.Knowledge.Week is a pan-african lighthouse event in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss knowledge-based development in Africa and develop capacities in Knowledge Management. Nairobi.Knowledge.Week is a cooperation of Knowledge for Development Partnership,, Co-operative University of Kenya, Kenya Diaspora Alliance, Association for the Development of Education in Africa, and other partners having joined forces to offer a well balanced mix of best practices, open dialogue, exchange of experience, co-creative sessions, art and culture, socialization, knowledge market, professional training and advocacy for responsible knowledge societies.

The Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference will take place at the UN Office Nairobi. It is open and cost-free, working towards a Knowledge Agenda for Africa. It links knowledge with the sustainable development goals and highlights various strategies to strengthen knowledge for economic and societal development.

The KM Essentials Course provides a professional training environment for those who aim at implementing Knowledge Management professionally in their organisation. Participants learn from and with experienced top-experts and practitioners.

The Knowledge.Art.Brunch provides inspiration to delve deeper into the spirit of knowledge and create ground-breaking ideas, to change your perspective and to make a real difference.

Key elements:
· KM Essentials Training Course
23-24 September 2019

1st African Knowledge for Development Conference
Focus topic: Knowledge Agenda for Africa
25-26 September 2019

27 September 2019

information and registration

2nd International Conference on Gender Research, 11-12 April 2019 in Italy

The International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR) 2019 is taking place on 11 – 12 April 2019 at Roma Tre University, Italy

Despite some advances being made in the area, topics related to gender research remain pertinent and are gaining momentum in a changing society. It is thus important to empower and to develop research on specific gender topics, in order to acquire a clearer understanding and to obtain important insights.

Now in its second year the International Conference on Gender Research intends to be established in the cutting edge of gender research and we welcome everyone researching in this area to present their work and to the scientific community.

ICGR 2019 is being held at Roma Tre University, Italy on 11-12 April and the Conference Chair is Professor Paola Paoloni.

access the conference website here

WICI Symposium 2018 at WASEDA University on 30 Nov. 2018

WICI Symposium 2018 at WASEDA University
on 30 November 2018

The “2018 WICI symposium” on Friday November 30, 2018 aims to offer opportunities to look back at the achievements by WICI during 10 years and explore further agendas through discussions among presenters and participants. In other words, in the light of the situation where reportedly, at least over 400 hundred listed companies make public integrated report, we consider the symposium as an opportunity to ensure the strategy for companies and organizations—focusing on relations with the society while confirming their raisons d’être, to further employ integrated reporting as the tools of communications with stakeholders to provide clear understandings of the value creation stories to enhance the processes for value creation.

read the full program here

NCP General Assembly 2018

Our General Assembly 2018, which will take place on June 13 2018:   

18:30 (6:30 pm CET)

at the following address: 

L’Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, 9bis, avenue d’Iena 75116 Paris

(Métro line 9 , sortie Guimet)

NCP President – Ahmed Bounfour

Ahmed Bounfour, Professor at the Université Paris-Sud, and Holder/Coordinator of the European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management. His researches focus principally on the ability of leading international corporates to create value from intellectual capital, and on the definition of innovation policy for major national and international research programmes.

Ahmed Bounfour has published many articles in academic and business reviews, including R&D Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Management of Business Excellence, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Telecommunications Policy, Revue Française de Gestion, Futuribles, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Chroniques d’Actualité de la SEDEIS, Analyses de la SEDEIS and Tribune de l’Assurance.

He has also coordinated intellectual capital, knowledge and innovation special issues for many national and international academic reviews, including Intellectual capital for communities, the next steps for the Journal of Intellectual Capital (2009), Innovation and Intangible Assets for R&D Management (March 2005), Gestion des Connaissances for Systèmes d’Information et Management, (2000) and La gestion de l’immatériel, une nouvelle approche de la gestion for Revue Française de Gestion (issue 130, 2000).

Institution: Université Paris-Sud


NCP Board member – Leif Edvinsson

Leif Edvinsson is a key pioneering contributor to the theory and practice of Intellectual Capital (IC). The World’s First director of IC in 1991. The World’s First Professor of IC at Lund University as well as Polytechnic University. Prototyping in 1996 the Skandia Future Center as Lab for Organisational design. In 1998, awarded by Brain Trust “Brain of the Year” award, in the UK. Listed in Who’s Who in the World. Associate member of The Club of Rome.

Cofounder and Founding Chairman of The New Club of Paris. In 2013 awarded the Thought Leader Award by European Commission, Intel, and Peter Drucker Association. In 2015 appointed Advisory Board to JIN – the Japan Innovation Network. Appointed 2016 to the Advisory Board of Norway Open Innovation Forum. In 2017 Awarded the KM Award, in Geneva at the UN, by

NCP Board member – Stefan Gueldenberg

Stefan Gueldenberg is a Full Professor at EHL and Academic Director at EHL’s Graduate School. Before joining EHL he worked as a Full Professor in International Management and Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University of Liechtenstein, as a Professor and Director of the Department of Human Resources and Organization at WHL (a private University in Germany), and as a Professor for Strategic Management and Management Control at WU Vienna. Stefan Gueldenberg studied Business Mathematics, Philosophy, and English at the University of Ulm, and holds a Ph.D. as well as Habilitation from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU).

Visiting Professorships abroad led him, among others, to Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the National University of Singapore. He is the current Vice President of Practice of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and President of the New Club of Paris, a think tank and agenda-setter for the knowledge economy.

Stefan has more than 25 years of working experience in strategy research, strategy consulting, and as an expert platform founder. He conducts research and teaches courses in strategic management, sustainable leadership, and knowledge management. He is on the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, including EURAM Sparks, the Journal of Knowledge Management, and the Journal of Digital Economy.

During his career Stefan Gueldenberg was honored with the Knowledge Management Award for the further development of Knowledge Research, Knowledge Policy and Knowledge Management, the CEO of the Future Award from Manager Magazin and McKinsey & Company, the Stephan-Koren Award granted for the best doctoral thesis of the year and the included scientific research from the Association of Professors at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and numerous best paper and top publication awards.

Institution: EHL Campus Lausanne.

Publications and more details: