Preannouncement on a 18. September 2012 Meeting in Heidelberg of the NCP on Subject ‘Next Generation IC Accounting & Reporting’

Dear friends and colleagues,

Although the planning and preparation period is quite short, I would like to ask you to reserve Sep. 18th, 2012 in your diary for a one day seminar + workshop (morning to evening) arranged by The New Club of Paris (NCP ’€“ ) in Heidelberg (University) on the subject of ’€œNext Generation IC Accounting & Reporting’€ (working title; i.e. subject also is ’€œeconomic quantification of knowledge’€).

[This meeting will follow a one day conference which is held on the day before (17.9.) by the NCP also at Heidelberg University, the subject of which is a future French ’€“ German Round Table Report on IC economy, which is an event on invitation].

You will be addressed short term on details, such as location and program; you may be even invited for an active contribution based on the background of your competences in the subject. The meeting will be chaired by NCP’€™s Vice President Ahmed Bounfour, who will set the program. The purpose in outcome shall be:

a) to identify the state in international IC accounting and reporting, in specific convergencies towards standards
b) to identify ’€œdeficiencies’€ and necessary complementarities in IC accounting and reporting, as subject for research and development trough those attending.
c) to identify needs for active engagements in international projects on this subject from the part of the NCP
d) planning of follow-up actions.

Please, also get your competent colleagues and partners being interested in the subject or who even have the competence to contribute actively, informed so that they prepare for attending the event as well, since this preannouncement is only sent to a selected group, mainly in Germany, so far.
You may also go for a preannouncement via your web page and/or social media thus raising interest within your community.

Kind regards
Günter Koch, Prof. DI
Tel. +43-699-19412152